A marketing approach should be forever changing - as the market itself changes each day. A growing population of citizens with different needs and desires and not forgetting the advancement of technology, opens a world of opportunity for brands and companies alike to become #1 in their industry.
Check out the video below showing how TESCO capitalized be utilizing new tech, effectively taking over the market. A combination of tech, targeted point of sale & visual appeal secured this brands success.
Lets explore some creative outdoor signage. The possibilities really are endless. Here is a brilliant example, very well excuted by Nestle for their brand Kit Kat. Everyone knows the phrase 'Have a break, have a KitKat' - and what a better way to reinforce that idea by creating an oversized KitKat bench where people can have a break. Does this exercise convert to sales though? Thats the million dollar question - and exactly why marketing and PR (Public Relations) are paramount for businesses. Global brands in particular who need to adapt to different environments whilst continueing to promote their company values.

Branding opportunities are everywhere. When advertising is combined with something that already serves a purpose its always going to work. Take a moment to stop and observe whats around and there is most likely a public resource a brand could provide, in most cases that resource could be branded so its a win-win-win for the corporate business sector, the government sector and ofcourse the most important, the public.

That idea was behind our rollout initiated by TISA (Teachers and Loans Society Limited) and later adopted in partnership with NCDC. A cheaper way for businesses to market their brands whilst providing public instrastructure at the same time - taking a financial burden off the local council and ultimately the tax payer. A win-win circle.