Kalang Advertising Limited with the support sponsorship of 2Fast Motors Limited will be hosting their first ever Car Wash and Sausage Sizzle Charity Fundraiser for the Children's Ward at the Port Moresby General Hospital this Sunday 21st August 2022. The event will take place at 2Fast Motors, Car Wash and Accessories, ground level, Vision City.

In doing so, Kalang would also like to humbly extended to you an invitation to donate K500.00 or any other means of kind donation -food/clothing/toys (cash or kind). Provided is the account detail to the Friends of PomGen for all cash donations;
Account Number: 7021277020
BSB: 088-950 BSP Bank, Harbour City
Kind donations can be dropped off with them at Vision City on Sunday otherwise at their office before 9am Monday, 22nd 2022.